Blog Post One: The Colorful Capital of Delhi

Though I was raised in the United States, I am originally from India and regularly go back to visit relatives in the summer. These past visits have all been to the state of Kerala, which is located deep in South India. My current internship, however, is based in the Indian capital city of Delhi, which is in North India. Accordingly, I am exploring a brand new part of India this summer.

After having been in Delhi for a few days, I can confidently say the greatest challenge is adapting to the fiery and unforgiving heat. With each moment spent outside, the bright summer sun relentlessly burns down on my skin. It only takes a brief walk to leave me sweating profusely and taking on copious amounts of water. The environment feels very much like being in a breathless oven, and I marvel at how the resilient locals go about their day in this heat while showing no more than the slightest signs of inconvenience.

A crowded and lively Delhi street

Looking past the scorching blaze, I am drawn to the incredible amount of sheer activity around me. The sidewalks are teeming with masses of people milling about a diverse myriad of shops and stands. The streets are packed to the brim with vehicles honking furiously and speeding past one another. The noise is deafening, and the air thick and heavy with an assortment of pungent smells. This frenzied, energetic backdrop is a world apart from the relative calm and structure of the United States.

The locals of Delhi affectionately call this uproar “organized chaos”, and the closer I look at it, the more I see an inherent beauty in the madness. Despite the commotion, the locals somehow sync their routines to the tumultuous setting and lead happy, productive lives. There is a vibrancy and spirit to everyday proceedings that is simply not present back in the United States. All the different pieces – the flamboyant shops, the hurried cars, and the hordes of people- seem to fit together to create one massive and harmonious city.

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